Welcome to the official home of Sarah Weinman, writer, editor, and Crime Lady.
I'm pleased to announce that my new book, Without Consent: A Landmark Case and the Decades-Long Struggle To Make Spousal Rape a Crime, will be published by Ecco & HarperCollins Canada on November 11, 2025. It's a sweeping examination of the legal and social history of marital rape in the United States through the lens of Oregon v. Rideout, the December 1978 case where a woman still living with her husband accused him of rape, and the ensuing aftermath. This book was the most challenging and meaningful project I've taken on to date, a work of recent history that is all too timely today.
My first nonfiction book, The Real Lolita, was published on September 11, 2018 in the US, Canada, and the UK. My second book, Scoundrel, was published on February 22, 2022 in the US and Canada. I am so proud of both books and that they have reached such a wide readership and garnered such a tremendous response (with a few award wins and nominations, to boot.)
In July 2020, I edited the anthology Unspeakable Acts: True Tales of Crime, Murder, Deceit & Obsession, with an introduction by Patrick Radden Keefe and a lineup of stellar writers at the vanguard of our current true crime moment. The success of this anthology spawned a second anthology, Evidence of Things Seen: True Crime in an Era of Reckoning, with an introduction by Rabia Chaudry, published in July 2023.
To keep up to date with my current and forthcoming projects, you can find me more regularly on BlueSky, to a lesser extent, on Instagram, and always at my occasional newsletter, The Crime Lady.